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What do error code(s) 81703 and/or 91577 mean? Print

  • braintree, credit card, credit/debit card, debit card, whmcs, payment gateway, 81703, 91577
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ERROR_1 => Code: 91577 Message: Merchant account does not support payment instrument.
ERROR_2 => Code: 81703 Message: Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

These errors are caused by your WHMCS accepting and processing card types that are not supported by your Braintree merchant account. For example, your Braintree merchant account accepts VISA and MasterCard, but you are attempting to process an American Express card.

To resolve these errors, you would need to either

  1. Contact Braintree to discuss adding other card types to your account
  2. Disable the unsupported card types in your WHMCS installation by
    1. Visiting your WHMCS System Settings
    2. Select the "Invoice" tab
    3. Update the "Accepted Credit Card Types" to reflect your Braintree account

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