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How do I cancel or close my account? Print

  • cancel, cancellation, close
  • 0

We are sorry to see you go! If you are cancelling due to a billing issue, please contact our billing or sales team and we can do our best to setup a payment arrangement. If you are cancelling due to a technical issue, please contact technical support so we may try to resolve your issue first.

If you still wish to cancel your account, please follow the simple steps below to complete your cancellation request…

  1. Proceed to the Client Area
  2. Under "Products / Services" section 
  3. Click the "View Details" button next to the product or service you wish to cancel
  4. Click the "Request Cancellation" link on the left-side of the page under the "Actions" section

The above steps must be completed for each product and service you wish to cancel. You can also open a ticket with our billing department and request cancellation with us there as well.

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