Our email services support auto-discovery and most email clients will automatically configure themselves to the optimal settings available. However our email servers support connections over the following ports...
Protocol | Security Type | Port Number(s) |
SMTP | Encrypted (SSL or TLS) | 465 |
SMTP | Encrypted (STARTTLS) | 587 or 25, 26, 2025, 2525 |
SMTP | Unencrypted | 25, 26, 2025, 2525 |
IMAP | Encrypted (SSL or TLS) | 993 |
IMAP | Encrypted (STARTTLS) | 143 |
IMAP | Unencrypted | 143 |
POP3 | Encrypted (SSL or TLS) | 995 |
POP3 | Encrypted (STARTTLS) | 995 |
POP3 | Unencrypted | 110 |
The recommended settings are in bold.
Most ISPs block port 25, so we recommend using an alternate port if you need to use unencrypted or STARTTLS connections.